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TrackifyX Integration with Zipify Pages and OCU

How to get TrackifyX events enabled for Zipify Pages and OCU

Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

For all TrackifyX users - please follow the instructions in the Integrations page inside the Trackify app:

Important Note: If you do not have Google Analytics integrated there yet, DO NOT paste the additional script in the field you see! Instead follow the instructions provided right there in Shopify to implement the GA integration. It's very easy and painless, and very useful in general! (If you don't want to set up Google Analytics right now, you can also use this dummy code: UA-1111-1 and replace it later. The field looks like this if you don't have Google Analytics integrated yet:

​Then: Take any other Facebook pixel events or code out of OCU and Zipify Pages settings, and ENABLE Trackify in the integration settings in OCU!
​Zipify PAGES does NOT require the Trackify Integration switch to be enabled for TrackifyX. That is different from Zipify OCU!!! For OCU you DO need to flip the switch to ON.

Everything will work automatically once you've completed the steps above.

IMPORTANT NOTE for TFX UPGRADE: If you had previously enabled the Trackify switch in OCU (3) for the legacy version of Trackify, you need to toggle that switch OFF, and then back ON again so OCU will read the upgrade to TrackifyX in your store!

As Always, we recommend to test any changes to your store thoroughly with actual live test transactions to verify that everything works as intended before sending live traffic!

For important information on how TrackifyX treats funnel events in OCU, please take a look at this article.

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